Thursday, 25 February 2016

Secondary audience feed back of rough cut

We showed our class and our teacher our rough cut, and they gave us some valuable feedback. They said:
"When Blaise is cycling the titles overlap him, maybe you could add an effect to fix that?"
"You could add some grading"
"Add some effects with the titles"
"The sound on the monologue is a bit harsh, maybe soften it a bit."

This feed back was very useful for us and we will take this feedback into account on our work. 

primary audience feed back of rough cut

We showed a small group of people in our class and our teacher our rough cut, and they gave us some valuable feedback. They said:

"It starts in a bit quick - maybe in fades?"
"maybe make the bike a bit faster"

We didn't get a lot of feed back as it was a small group, however still useful. Will will take this feedback into account on our work.